Sunday 26 January 2014

Final Semester Plans and Current Work

So now i have just started my final semester at university, and it's safe to say i do not want to leave!
I have enjoyed these past few years so much, and i have grown up; both in person and in artistic capabilities, i definitely have my wonderful tutors to thank!

But before i get ahead of the game, i do still have around 17 weeks left, where i have planned no less than 6-7 projects to do.

I am currently working on two;
Folklore screen prints - taking my image a day brief and developing it. I have already created the black line work for my first print, i just need to put it together in PS and add the colour layers/decide on them
 Some of the ink work...

The second project i am working on is a collaboration with Rachel. We're both making masks based on two of the four symbols of the Chinese constellation. I'm doing the Azure Dragon, and Rachel The Vermillion Bird. These will also be used in a performance later on in the year, but for now, here is a miniature (i mean miniature) mock up made of masking tape of how i would like the frame to look. Tomorrow i will most likely start on a rough wire version, then move to the final willow one. They will then be decorated.

I will now be updating once a week, most likely on a Sunday to show progress for that week.
Thanks for reading!

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