Tuesday 24 December 2013

Image a Day and New Portfolio

Nearly Christmas!
I hope you're all ready!
But for now, here's just a quick post as to what i've been up to!

So for the past few weeks, i've been working on my dissertation, and also working on a new brief; an image a day. I decided to focus on folklores, and draw a different creature a day! I've been really enjoying it.
Here are just a small selection of my images...

I've also invested in a new, decent, portfolio! a Prat Pampa portfolio with cristal laser sleeves!
It is fantastic, and i love it to bits! It did cost me over £50, but it was worth it (see pics below)! I'm gonna find some nice fabric and make a slip cover for it too.

Anyway, short update but that's pretty much it!

Happy holidays and lets see what the new year brings!

Monday 2 December 2013

Paper Cut Animation inspired by Lottie Reiniger and Japanese Folklore

Although for a deadline which was a good few weeks ago, i have gotten around to posting it here!

For our 'Obsessions Brief', we had to create an animation inspired by our obsessions which had to be exactly 2 mins long. I decided to pursue Japanese folklore as it is something which has always interested and inspired me (it's something i concentrated on in my final major project in my foundation diploma!)

The basic story includes several links to Japanese folklore/tales, such as Hanasaka Jisan, Bunbuku Chagama and the well-known Kappa!

I was utterly captivated by Lottie Reiniger's animations when i saw them a couple of years ago, and i wanted to try out the paper-cut style myself - trying out using different paper transparencies/textures and colours. It was a lot of hard work but a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy my final video! (do excuse the jumpiness of the video, it was exceptionally hard to do as i didn't have a studio to work in for it, but instead used my small bedroom!)

Friday 29 November 2013

Hope: ADVENTure Art Project

Today us 3rd year illustrators got our 'mini' exhibition put up at Hull Ferens art gallery!
The project brief was to create images based around Hope. We decided to make it more personal than Christmasy, but i think it's created a wonderful range of images which provoke thought and reflection.

I actually really struggled with this project, but in the end i ended up doing 2 images!

It's been a lot of hard work, especially with our other deadlines...we basically spent a day creating the images, a day printing them, and half a day putting it up...it's been a great learning curve though for when we come to do our final exhibitions next year!

My Images without the window frame:

The Voice Inside

The hope that no matter whether an animal or a human, their voice is listened to. Be confident, stand tall and speak out for the weak and those who cannot communicate in our language. Find your inner voice.

Hope for the future that one would become the best they could strive to be. Transforming, learning and experiencing; becoming a better person and a better human being. Aim high and never settle for anything less…

Thursday 28 November 2013

Save the Arctic!

Brief i handed in on Monday which was to create an image/s based on headline news.
I didn't want to look at any old headline news, but rather something i was passionate about - the Arctic drilling!

I wanted to provoke thought with my illustrations...

I would love to do more in the near future!
Keep up the great work Greenpeace and its supporters!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

3rd Year And Cheltenham Illustration Awards News

It's been a while since my last post and so much has happened!
I'm now in my 3rd year of Illustration so i will be updating my blog once or twice a week now.

Before summer i entered the Cheltenham Illustration awards and a few weeks ago i found out i got Highly Commended!
See the winners here! http://www.cheltenham-illustration-awards.com/winnerspage_13.htm

My Entry:
The theme was Tales of Mood and Memory, and Gustav Holst's seven piece orchestral suite, The Planets.

Title: Escape and Resistance

Description/Inspiration: Gustav Holst’s Neptune was my inspiration for this short narrative. I was suddenly transported back and recollected a dream I had, and which many of us have had, being chased by a pack of wolves. The dream represented running away from difficulties and problems, however towards the end of the dream, I faced them without running away anymore. Combining materials, textures and patterns conveys my emotions and feelings within the dream.

Original Size: A3

Media Used: Collage, Indian ink, oil pastels and water soluble pastels

Expect some more updates this week with projects i've done and progress with current ones i'm working on.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Recent Illustrations!

The past month or so has been very busy! Essays, projects and more projects! I hope to update this more over the summer, but for now here's are recent imagery i've created!
I love llamas! who doesn't?

Two imagines from a collaborative magazine. They depict Kim Jong-un of North Korea, firstly threatening a war, then calling it off because he got a signed basketball from Dennis Rodman! The magazine focuses on villains.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Absurd Narrative Collage Illustrations

Since Wednesday i've been steaming ahead doing all my collages for my absurd narrative! I feel so pressured, but through this, i think something's clicked with collage.
I know i always used collage, but because i knew i had to think of a style to do it in and quickly, i came up with a much cleaner method (which i'd been trying to improve on, cos it can get messy and muddy!) and i've enjoyed doing so! Hopefully i can develop and refine it more!
I have so much work to do, so i'm glad to have finished all my collages for it! I just need to scan them all in and make them into a hand bound book!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Owl Illustration Canvas Bag

Thought i would paint a canvas bag with one of my owl illustrations!
I can't paint and shade and do it perfectly for toffee, but i tried and enjoyed doing it!

I'd love to do more!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Owl Sketches

Today was really nice!
Out shopping, i came accross some owls which were in a shopping centre to help raise money etc, so i took this opportunity to get some photos and do some drawings!

I adore owls so much, i may even do a personal project based on them when i have a bit more free time!
They're veeery difficult creatures to draw, they're forever moving! haha

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Current Works in Progress

Currently i'm working on two projects; Penguin book cover competition and Absurd narrative!

Here are some of my in progress images:
Book Cover competition (Puffin Wind in the Willows)
Compositional Ideas

Trying to go back to my use of collage!  

Absurd Narrative       

Before i start on the final book consisting of around 10-15 double pages, i'm doing a pencil mock up!

Some previous work...

I thought i would post a few bits and pieces of the work i've done over the past few months!


Hello out there!
I'm Hannah Coote, a budding Illustrator and new to the blog scene!

I'm especially passionate about collage and mixed media - it can be time consuming and sometimes i try to do things differently, but i always somehow end up back to collage!

I'm in my second year studying Illustration at Hull and we're given a whole variety of briefs to cover; from live competitions to editorials and narratives. We're also given free reign on what we do and how we do things, everyone has their own style and it's inspiring!

Keep an eye out for my work..well that is once i've navigated myself around blogger haha...