Tuesday 18 February 2014

Bunbuku Chagama Screen Print (and angora rabbit illustration)

Now that my dissertation is completed, i can concentrate 100% on illustration work now! What a relief!

Last week i complete another screen print! So now that's three down, hopefully i'll be able to get some more done soon;

"Bunbuku Chagama"
This one was really enjoyable to do, and i think the composition turned out great

This is also another image from my Angora awareness project i have done more recently, inspired by some of the photos i've seen of the rabbits being plucked (horendous!). I've done another 2 illustrations and i will be putting them together into posters and maybe doing some 3D work. I really hope the rabbits get the freedom they deserve after so much tragedy and horror surrounding them....Stop buying angora! I just wish i could do more to help...

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